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  • After the global boom in tiny houses, now comes the craze for mini-offices. An alternative that could be booming due to the coronavirus crisis and the tendency to work outside the physical office to avoid possible infections.

    And a good example of this new bet can be found in the Netherlands, where small cabins have been installed where citizens have enough space to work and relax.

    Designed by Dutch Invertuals, these mini-offices are constructed primarily of aluminum and wood and are located in parks. They have an area of ​​about 6 m2, although inside there are all kinds of details: a large window so that natural light enters, essential to work, an area for rest and a table to have the necessary material, as well as Felts on the walls where folios or 'post-it' can be placed. Each office is decorated in a different way.

    Despite the fact that the proposal arose before the outbreak of covid-19, in recent months it has gained strength as it is a safer workspace than traditional offices.

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